What is CAG?
CAG is an organization of approximately fifty Central New Jersey artists who work in all media – painting, photography, sculpture, books arts, and the like. The group meets on a monthly basis (except July and August) at the Watchung Arts Center. Membership in CAG also confers membership in the Watchung Arts Center. Officially, we are a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Benefits of membership include discounts at regional art suppliers (see Membership page).
The mission of the Contemporary Art Group is to:
- Provide a forum for the discussion of ideas
- Share information about the contemporary art world
- Offer opportunities for members to show their work and gain recognition
CAG Values
The Contemporary Art Group is:
- a collegial organization of working artists who meet on a regular basis to advance their art interests.
- a supportive group where there is mutual respect among members, where members share ideas, provide information about exhibit opportunities, and describe their own artistic development.
- a cooperative in the sense that members share the work of running the organization, coordinating the shows, selecting venues for exhibits, transporting artwork, hanging and advertising shows, and hosting receptions.
- an organization that works because individual members work.
- an open organization, accepting as members individuals who share its goals and who are willing and able to help carry out its mission.
CAG History
CAG began as a special interest group within the Westfield Art Association.The group was organized in 2006. On an annual basis, CAG supports six to ten exhibition opportunities for its members. To participate in shows, members must be current with their annual dues and should support CAG activities through volunteering.